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Eczema Specialist

Comprehensive Allergy and Asthma Associates

Cathy Green, MD

Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Specialist located in Brentwood, Los Angeles, CA

Eczema affects about 12% of children and 7% of adults in America. Of those diagnosed with eczema, 30-40% suffer from moderate to severe disease. This type of intensely itchy and uncomfortable skin condition needs the expert care of Cathy Green, MD, at Comprehensive Allergy and Asthma Associates in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. Dr. Green has extensive experience helping children and adults maintain healthy skin, in part by reducing the frequency of eczema outbreaks. To schedule an appointment, call the office or use the online booking feature today.

Eczema Q & A

What is eczema?

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition that usually appears in young children, but you can develop it at any age. Patients with eczema have a genetic variation that weakens the skin barrier. Without a healthy barrier, your skin is susceptible to eczema, inflammation, and infections.

What symptoms develop due to eczema?

Eczema is well-known for causing a red, itchy rash, but you can develop a variety of symptoms. Your skin may be dry and scaly or develop tiny bumps that ooze. Adults with eczema may have red or brown patches of thickened skin.

Symptoms can appear anywhere on your body, but they often affect knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists. Children may develop the rash on their cheeks, while adults often have eczema around their eyes.

What triggers eczema?

Eczema symptoms flare when your skin is exposed to substances that trigger the rash. The trigger may be an ingredient in soap or skin care products that irritate your skin.

All types of allergens, including foods, can spell trouble for patients with eczema and cause a significant skin reaction. Many patients experience flare-ups in response to environmental triggers such as changes in humidity, heat, and cigarette smoke.

How do you treat eczema?

Dr. Green provides comprehensive treatment for eczema that focuses on daily care to keep your skin healthy and medications that relieve symptoms and prevent future flares. Treatment for eczema includes:

Skin care

When it comes to relieving and preventing eczema, it’s essential to maintain a healthy skin barrier. To do that, you need to frequently apply a moisturizer that restores the skin barrier. Using gentle skin care products also helps prevent eczema. Dr. Green can help you find products that work for your skin.

Identifying and avoiding triggers

Dr. Green helps you identify your triggers, then creates a plan to avoid them. If your triggers are allergens, you may need allergy testing and allergy shots to limit eczema flares.


Dr. Green may prescribe topical anti-inflammatory and antibiotic creams. You may also need oral anti-inflammatory medications. Patients with moderate to severe eczema may be good candidates for advanced biologic medications to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms. 

To receive exceptional care for eczema or atopic dermatitis, call Comprehensive Allergy and Asthma Associates or schedule an appointment online.