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Insect Stings


Honey Bee, Yellow Jacket, and Wasp Allergy:

Allergy to bees and wasps can be life threatening. An adult or child with any reaction to a bee sting that is more than mild and localized should be evaluated by an allergist. Local swelling is defined as swelling that does not progress beyond the part of the body that is stung. Any reaction other than a local reaction may indicate allergy to bee venom that may be serious. Even hives after a bee sting may be a sign that there is danger of a much more serious reaction if you were to be stung again.

Specialized blood testing and venom allergy skin testing are methods that are used to determine the severity of bee sting allergies and the need for further treatment. Venom allergy shots are effective for the treatment of potentially life threatening bee sting allergies. Treatment with venom allergy shots (venom immunotherapy) is at least 5 years and is instituted when there is a risk of a life threatening reaction to a subsequent bee sting. Injectable Epinephrine also is used to provide additional protection.

Identification and treatment of severe bee sting allergy before the next sting can be life saving. Therefore, it is imperative that rapid evaluation by an allergist be performed and treatment be instituted when indicated in all cases of systemic (full body reactions) to bee stings.


Comprehensive Allergy and Asthma Associates
11645 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1150

Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: 310-909-1910
Fax: 310-909-1911

Office Hours

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